The world's first commodity-backed blockchain option. Based on real production. Complete transparency at every stage. Unique, stable and innovative blockchain product. Opportunity to become a shareholder in production company. 100% cash back on demand. Over $1 million in R&D Zrcoin ZRC price graph info 24 hours, 7 day, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year. Prices denoted in BTC, USD, EUR, CNY, RUR, GBP. Synergy of Advanced Financial and Industrial Technologies: First Investment Blockchain Option ZrCoin. Abstract ZrCoin [1] is the world’s first investment-grade blockchain product. It is a derivative that leverages both cutting-edge financial and industrial technologies ZrCoin (CURRENCY:ZRC) traded 26.2% lower against the dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 8:00 AM Eastern on March 12th. One ZrCoin token can now be bought for approximately $0.84 or 0.00013514 BTC on exchanges including Tidex, Waves Decentralized Exchange and HitBTC. ZrCoin has a total market capitalization of $3.85 million and Zrcoin is a Waves platform meta-token backed by the production of Zirconium oxide (ZrO2), which is a valuable industrial input most commonly derived from zirconium sands. The fundamental reason behind the launch of this token is to meet Russia’s whooping demand for Zirconium oxide. ZRCoin ZRC Token ICO Details. The ICO for this project took place last year, and the project managed to raise the required funds. The coin is now available for trade on public exchanges. What ZRCoin Future. Most investors predict that ZrCoin will experience growth at a rate of 5.5% a month. They also believe the limit for growth is at $2.80.
ZrCoin (ZRC) - Live streaming prices and market cap Live ZrCoin prices from all markets and ZRC coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest ZrCoin price movements and forum discussion. Check out our snapshot charts and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell. zrcoin - All news and posts by Crowdfund Insider
zrcoin does not currently have a full profile. Let us know if you are interested in seeing more information about this project by sending us some feedback. feedback. Project Detail. Market Detail. Zrcoin. ZRC $ 0.7449. 1.86 % Zrcoin does not currently have a full profile. Is ZrCoin A Scam? ZrCoin (CURRENCY:ZRC) traded 26.2% lower against the dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 8:00 AM Eastern on March 12th. One ZrCoin token can now be bought for approximately $0.84 or 0.00013514 BTC on exchanges including Tidex, Waves Decentralized Exchange and HitBTC. ZrCoin has a total market capitalization of $3.85 million and ZrCoin – Medium The future of ZrCoin Many investors estimate the growth potential of ZrCoin at a rate of 5.5% per month, and believe that the limit of its growth is fixed at $2.80. This is a major misunderstanding. The ZrCoin: Token Backed By a Zirconium Oxide Factory ...
ZrCoin Vs Iconomi Comparison - ZRC/ICN Cryptocurrency ...
ZrCoin is the first ever blockchain option for investing in the production of an in-demand industrial material. ZrCoin is not susceptible to inflation or typical cryptocurrency volatility. As such it is a reliable tool for the preservation and growth of capital funds; Investing in ZrCoin in the early stages of the project allows you to make a The world's first commodity-backed blockchain option. Based on real production. Complete transparency at every stage. Unique, stable and innovative blockchain product. Opportunity to become a shareholder in production company. 100% cash back on demand. Over $1 million in R&D Zrcoin ZRC price graph info 24 hours, 7 day, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year. Prices denoted in BTC, USD, EUR, CNY, RUR, GBP.